Benefits of kiwi (कीवी के फायदे सभी रोगो के लिए )
Hello Every one-
Here I'm going to tell you about some magical Fruits which we see in daily but we don't know about benefit please read my content with concentration and silently and try to understand about it will be fruitful for your body .
About -(के बारे में )-किवी चाइना में पाया जाने वाला फल है। The fruit became popular with British and American servicemen stationed in New Zealand during World War II, and was later exported, first to ग्रेट ब्रिटैन and then to कैलिफ़ोर्निया in the 1960.इसे चाइना में गुस्सबरी भी कहा जाता है ,इसका आकर ४-७ (4-7)cm होता है। इसका रंग हल्का भूरा रंग का होता है ,और फाइबर की तरह रेशे होते है। वैसे बाजार में इसका price ३०-४० (30-40)रुपये में मिलता .
- omega-3 fatty acids.
- vitamin -C
- fat content-1.02 g
- vitamin B6.
- Vitamin-E i.e called Beauty vitamin.
- Vitamin (Help in blood clotting)
Benefits(फायदे )-
- Better for blood circulation
- Improve Platelets.i.e helpful for Dengu.
- Act as anti oxidants.
- Improve the growth of hair.
- Good water content.
- Maintain the B.P.
- Improve eye site.
- calcium improvement in the body.
Total energy the Body-
100 gram Kiwi fruits provide 60.8% calories energy to the body
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